Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Happy

Right now look at me
Tell me what
You see
I seem happy.

I may actually be sometimes
Thats just what I conceal
If I look at myself I see
Empty pages,
I want to fill with
Pictures of real happiness.

One is a hidden glance
When you stare
When you are standing there.

This is a real
Picture of
What is happy?

Thats what I try to be
And thats why
I am actually laughing.

Because I am happy
And you don't even have to
Be there.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Strangers

Stop giving me that look
like I'm strange
Stop giving me that look
like I'm a freak show
Well you don't know anything
And stop giving me signs
That mix match nothings

The Weridos

It's us
We are the cool kids on the block
We acctually aren't
We just are
What we seem
The wierdos

It's us
We are the weirdos on the block
We acctually aren't
We just aren't
What we seem
We are the